Freddie Mac Diversifies
Michelle Malkin was a bit upset about this:
Terrific: Bankrupt Freddie Mac hires “diversity officer”
It seems reasonable that an organization as large as Freddie Mac should look for opportunities to diversify. What's that... oh, excuse me... that was a "t" in that word. Okay then, the eyes are getting a bit old.
via Michelle Malkin by Michelle Malkin on 8/31/10
Taxpayer-supported mortgage behemoth Freddie Mac — yes, the same government-sponsored entity that is sucking $64 billion of your money to stay afloat — is proud to announce that it is squandering more of your bucks on a “diversity officer.” [more]
It seems reasonable that an organization as large as Freddie Mac should look for opportunities to acquire people with a diversity of skills and expertise related to finance and mortgages. What's that... oh, excuse me. Forget the skills and expertise part.
It seems reasonable that an organization as large as Freddie Mac should look for opportunities to acquire people with a diversity of political capital. In order to do that, it may be necessary to ignore the lack of skills and expertise related to finance and mortgages. Regardless, there probably will be enough "old timers" still working to keep Freddie afloat for awhile... even though they haven't done such bang-up jobs lately.
Fortunately, for most people, there are alternative to doing business with Freddie Mac. Unfortunately for most people, they are taxpayers who will foot the bill for Freddie's excellent adventure [sorry Bill and Ted].