My Right To The Pursuit Of Happiness
The Obama administration is attempting to define health care as a "right" that should be administered by the Federal government. What that means to me is that I can demand of the government that I am provided health care regardless of my individual circumstances.
Since health care is not part of the Bill of Rights and Federal control of health care is not part of the powers enumerated by the Constitution, I presume this falls under the aegis of "pursuit of happiness..." stated in the Declaration of Independence...
from an overbearing, onerous government intent on controlling our choices and depriving us of self-determination.Receiving health care is important to me... helps me pursue happiness... and should be provided to me... even if the government has to provide it. I understand that in order for the government to fulfill that right for me, money will have to be taken from those who have more money than I have. That's okay. I have the right to my "pursuit of happiness" and President Obama has argued eloquently that our government has an obligation to provide health care for me... on my road to my right of happiness. Or do you think I should suffer from the ravages of diseases?

The government needs to take care of my housing needs. A fine, new home is my right in my pursuit of happiness. Or do you think I should be homeless?

And so is a fine, classic car. Or do you think I should be forced to walk everywhere... in bad weather, too?

Food; lots of good food.... Or do you prefer to see me go hungry?

And wine... I need a wine cellar full of fine, old wines. Or do you think I should have to suffer from thirst?

The government can just send me the money and I'll even do the shopping... as much as I hate that. It would get me closer to happiness. Just collect a little more taxes from those rich people.
A boat... 35'... that would be part of my pursuit of happiness. What's a 35' boat from a government that builds aircraft carriers? Rich people have bigger boats, so they should give the government money so that I can have my boat. Maybe I can just pick one of those rich people's boats. That would speed up the process. The government can just send an agent to get the paperwork from the rich people and put my name on it. I could almost be happy then. Or do you think that I should be prevented from enjoying the natural beauty of our lakes?

I think one of those new "elite" credit cards is really what I need. If the government gets the bill and collects payment from those rich people, then I can get whatever I need to be happy. That may not make them happy, but so what? Or do you think I should be penniless?

mnibus bill. Don't even bother to read it.

Show me the money! Or are you just insensitive to my needs and rights? Well, he is sensitive and compassionate.