Poison Ivy
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Treatments that work.The last few weeks have been punctuated with bouts of small poison ivy spots and intense itching. It started with a small spot on one ankle and then many other pin-point spots around both lower legs. A week or so later more spots appeared on the soft, inner part of one forearm.
The rash is insidious. No warning; no real cure.
I tried a number of products to relieve the symptoms including Technu Extreme and Ivy Block, but they really had no effect. Yesterday, I picked up some Zanfel and tried it. The itching subsided for awhile, but woke me with a vengeance this morning. Warmth from the bed covers seems to aggravate the rash, so I try sleeping with just a sheet... and lots of benedryl capsules.
I'm hoping that further washing with the Zanfel will help. This is really messing up my golf schedule.
It's bothersome, but I've seen a lot worse. The shiny stuff in the picture above is some prescription cortisone ointment, not oozing from blisters. Just trying to minimize the rash.
There seem to be a lot of over-the-counter products for this condition, but nothing really serious in terms of researched and proven treatments. Perhaps it is not worth the effort for pharmaceutical companies, but tell it to someone who gets poison ivy like this...
Makes me feel wussy for complaining at all.