The Rev Speaks Out
SEARCH BLOG: RACIAL RELATIONSHIPSWho are these men and what do they have in common? Besides that....
Well, for one thing, they have the title "Reverend" and, for another, they speak out about black men in America.
From left to right: Jesse Lee Peterson; Jesse Jackson, Sr.; Al Sharpton
Probably, you have all heard about Rev. Jackson and Sharpton. A much smaller number of you have heard about Rev. Peterson.
In global warming alarmist circles, Rev. Peterson would be called an "anomaly." You know, a significant variation from the "norm." Perhaps from the "norm" that the Rev. Jackson and Sharpton represent. This is from Rev. Peterson's website:
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASELet's just say this is not what most Americans will see or hear on American television. Rev. Peterson certainly has his detractors. Yet, another successful black man, Bill Cosby, has taken similar flak for similar statements.
July 22, 2009
Contact: Ermias Alemayehu
Sharpton, Harvard Prof “Abusing Police While Black,” Says Rev. Peterson
LOS ANGELES – Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson, Founder and President of BOND, the Brotherhood Organization of a New Destiny, today repudiated Harvard Professor Henry Louis Gates, Jr. and Al Sharpton for their “unfounded and reckless” allegations of racism against Cambridge, Massachusetts police. Cambridge police dropped a disorderly conduct charge against Gates yesterday; he had been arrested at his home on July 16 after police responded to a break in. Gates had locked himself out and reportedly forced his way inside.
When officers asked him to show identification Gates reportedly snapped, “No, I will not!” When an officer asked to speak to him outside, Gates was heard shouting, “Yeah, I’ll speak with your mama outside” and “This is what happens to black men in America.” Al Sharpton and Gates falsely accused the police of racially profiling him. Sharpton proclaimed, “I’ve heard of driving while black, but I’ve never heard of living in a home while black.” He added, “If they can do this to him [Gates], imagine what they can do to a kid in Roxbury.”
“Henry Gates and Al Sharpton are abusing police while black,” said Rev. Peterson. “Their false allegations say to young blacks that they too can abuse police and cry racism. Gates was abusive and disorderly and the police dealt with him accordingly—where’s the racism? This is a case of black males gone wild.”
Police in Cambridge bowed to pressure from liberal black leaders and issued a statement yesterday calling Gates’ arrest “regrettable and unfortunate.”
Rev. Peterson said, “What’s regrettable is that the city of Cambridge and the police have allowed themselves to be intimidated by a race hustler like Al ‘The Riot King’ Sharpton. The race card has once again been used to unjustly smear law enforcement and thwart justice. This is Tawana Brawley all over again!”
Sharpton gained national notoriety after his involvement in the Tawana Brawley rape hoax—where he took up the cause of a 15 year-old black girl from New York who falsely accused six white men (some were police officers). The allegations were tossed out, but Sharpton never admitted wrongdoing, nor has he apologized to the men in that case.
Societal interaction among the races is not simply "black and white" [pun intended], but quite a bit of gray. To claim that racism is not an issue is to put on blinders. To claim that racism is one-sided is to put on blinders, also. People are stereotyped by groups to which they "belong." It's convenient. It's simple. It's wrong. But it is not without its reasons.