Despite all of the rancor and extremism coming from the current Administration and Congress, one must understand that President Obama is a good thing for America. Every once in awhile, the U.S. needs a president such as Jimmy Carter and, now, Barack Obama, to remind us of what America is about... and what it isn't about.
After Jimmy Carter, the U.S. enjoyed a prolonged period of prosperity and strength. After Barack Obama, the U.S. will return to its more traditional values and the left-wing extremists in power will be consigned to the political dust heap.
It's a painful process, but a necessary one to remind us what makes the U.S. great and what undermines it. Isn't it ironic that Mr. Carter and Mr. Obama both struggled with how to
placate a belligerent Iran. Of course, that's part of the problem... placating. No preconditions there.
There is no strength through weakness; there is no moral superiority by groveling before despots.
The next president will reflect the disgust Americans are increasingly feeling with an administration that is so horribly out of touch with what makes America great. The next president will not grovel before the Mexican president and apologize for having immigration laws... even if they are not enforced. The next president will not seek to drain the vitality from business and individuals by supporting legislation that creates massive debt, higher taxes, and less resources in the name of "saving" us. And the next president will probably be willing to show a copy of his birth certificate and other records in a demonstration of "transparency" and "openness."
Sure, things now are a bit like the Orwellian "1984," but
doublethink and
doublespeak will soon be relics of the past. It begins this November and then again since...