Oregon State University Fires Scientist For Being An Unbeliever
Nearly 500-years ago, the Catholic Church moved out of the realm of religion and into the realm of science when it forced scientist Galileo Galilei to publicly recant his position that the earth revolved around the sun rather than the other way around and spend the rest of his life in house arrest. Centuries later, the church apologized for this slight error. [image]
Dr. Drapela is a well-respected scientist and well-liked teacher who happened to run afoul of the OSU dogma related to climate. Apparently, the science is "settled" at OSU. That means there is no room for debate using data, physics, or any other scientific means of challenge.
Some would say that Dr. Drapela was attempting to do the same thing as teaching "intelligent design," but in reality he was not using belief in any form... unlike OSU which was using belief in climate models that have been shown to be severely faulty and based on very questionable manipulation of weather data. But religious dogma, in any form, cannot tolerate ideas that deviate from the "truth" of the dogma. Hence, Dr. Drapela's presence was no longer welcome at the Shrine of the Warming Climate.
Read the story HERE.