More Theory Versus Reality
The public face of institutions often varies from their private actions. We could call that "marketing." Something on the order of calling club soda "Miracle Water" because it can remove some stains from clothing.
For years, the University of Michigan publically has led the charge for the underdog... we need a "diversity" program... call it affirmative action or whatever. The not-so-subtle message here: the University is intellectually, socially, and ethically superior to the rest of society.
Unfortunately (for the University), the data doesn't seem to support that.
At the nation's 50 flagship universities, students with the same academic qualifications received different amounts of financial help based on income, 1995-'03:About two years ago, I wrote to Mary Sue Coleman, President of UM, regarding the University's public posturing versus the opportunity for real action. The lesson: the lesson was not learned, apparently.Average grant to students whose families earn more than $100,000 grew 86 percent. In 2003, the amount of aid for these families amounted to $257 million. Average grant for students with family incomes of less than $20,000 increased 29 percent. In 2003, the amount of aid for these families equaled $171 million. The University of Michigan received a grade of C for access. It received a B for minority access, but an F for low-income access. The F grade for low-income access was based on only 13.5 percent of U-M students receiving Pell grants, compared with 33.9 percent of all state students receiving such federal aid in 2004. That was a much larger disparity than the 28 percent of U-M students receiving Pell grants in 1992 compared with 30.6 percent statewide.
Source: Education Trust
Oh, UM is a great institution... two of my sons have advanced degrees from there and are grateful that their mom and dad helped them toward that. But greatness doesn't necessarily mean perfection... or even close.
Maybe it is time to put the University's money where its mouth is.