In Sickness or In Health
Michael Moore's latest "documentary" entitled "Sicko," takes on the health care "problem" in the U.S.
In a country of 300,000,000 people, I have no doubt that one can easily find examples of:
- ineffective health care
- ineffective educational facilities
- ineffective waste disposal
- ineffective water treatment
- ineffective soil conservation
- ineffective legislators and government
- ineffective child care providers
- ineffective businesses
- ineffective mothers and fathers
Finding examples is easy. Finding the "perfect solution" based on some examples is not always so easy.
National health care has been tossed around for decades. We already have Medicare and the VA. Some industries are going broke providing health insurance for their employees while their overseas competitors offer employees nothing but low wages. We have a system that rewards and encourages doctors (but some lawyers would like to end that). We have people coming to the U.S. for treatment when their own countries provide "free, universal health coverage..." you just can't get actual treatment.
In statistics, you don't necessarily focus on the "outliers." The exceptions are not the rule. Trying to portray the exceptions as the rule may be stretching things a bit too far.
Now about those ineffective legislators and governments....