Global Warming Will Reduce Human-Generated CO2
What are some of the "remedies" for human-generated CO2?
- Fuel efficient or non-fossil fuel vehicles
- Nuclear, solar, or wind power
- Conservation
While some argue that an increase in average temperature will be accompanied by more frequent record high temperatures, there are many who have demonstrated that global warming means higher minimum temperatures.
Well, that's good news if it is the latter... and it appears that much of the calculated higher average temperatures is based on minimum temperatures being higher because very few new record extremes have occurred (see above link)... at least in the U.S.
Of course, some of that apparent warming may be due to a combination of the Urban Heat Island effect and really bad placements of weather monitoring stations.Buts let's assume that there is some validity to the data and the minimum temperatures are, on average, higher. What does that mean?
- There is no greater demand for air-conditioning because the temperature increase is at the lower end of the temperature range so there is no additional coal, oil, or natural gas burned to generate the power to run the air-conditioners and no additional human-generated CO2 is released.
- There is a lower demand for coal, oil and natural gas for heating because the "degree days" are reduced; i.e., the temperatures are higher so less fuel is needed for heating and less human-generated CO2 is released.
- With heating systems running less, there is less demand for electricity to run the heating systems and less coal, oil or natural gas used to generate power for running the heating systems so less human-generated CO2 is released.
- Vehicles will run slightly more efficiently because of warmer minimum temperatures which means that there will be less fuel burned and less human-generated CO2 released.
It is really more likely that the present cooling period is increasing human-generated CO2 as furnaces worldwide are being run at much higher rates.Is that "negative feedback" from global warming?