Management By Crisis
It wasn't until Rahm Emanuel uttered the words, "Never let a serious crisis go to waste," that people realized this administration was not about crisis management... it was about management by crisis.
Having a problem with financial institutions? Then it's time for a crisis about automobiles. War in Afghanistan not going to plan? Time for a health care crisis. FDIC about to get overwhelmed? Don't worry, we'll find another crisis to divert attention.
This is not an administration with a plan. This is an administration with a strategy. We must have more crises! Nothing gets done without a crisis. If we have a crisis, we can push anything past the objections of the American people. And do it fast. And they will love us for it.
Not so much.
President Obama is hoping he can fool enough of the people all of the time so that his strategy to manage by crisis will allow him to "reform" everything he finds objectionable about our country... that's about everything.How's that wind and solar power coming, Mr. President? Widespread blackouts coming?
Well then, we'll just have to have another crisis. Cows... cows are killing our climate. We have to stop drinking milk! Wait, not to worry. With the rash of banks failing and the FDIC going broke, people won't be able to afford electricity anyway. Demand will drop and the blackouts will be solved! Forget the cows. I'll name another czar!Sure, Mr. President. And we'll just keep watching those Rasmussen Reports.
H/T: Kathy