Remember 9/11 - Never Forget
Remember who are our friends... and who are not... and don't confuse the two.
Now, just a few dots to connect.
First this...
According to border patrol officials, including Sheriff D'Wayne Jenigan of Del Rio, Texas, thousands of Special Interest Aliens (SIAs), with the help of Mara Salvatrucha "coyotes," have made their way across the Mexican border and into the land of the free and the home of the brave. Such SIAs come from countries that pose national security concerns: Saudi Arabia, Syria, Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Egypt, Somalia, Yemen, Jordan, Lebanon, and even Iraq.
The routes used by illegal aliens to enter the U.S. have become littered with discarded Muslim prayer blankets, pages from Islamic texts, and Arabic newspapers. Law enforcement officials have named such passageways "terrorists' alleys" and a street leading north from the city of Douglas, Arizona, as "Arab Road."
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And then this...
PHOENIX -- As of 10 p.m. on Friday night, Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio says the federal government released nine "illegal immigrants" arrested in a crime sweep because their arrests didn't fit new Department of Homeland Security policies.
On Thursday three were caught and released, "into the dark night," Arpaio said.
The other six were caught and released on Friday.
Because the nine people had committed no other criminal or civil violations other than coming into the United States illegally, Sheriff Arpaio said his deputies were instructed by federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents to let them go free.
Sheriff Arpaio believes this new attitude is because of a recent change to the agreement between law enforcement agencies like MCSO and the federal immigration program known as 287G.
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And then this...
Your Federal government at work for you... well, maybe not you. Just to be sure that nobody tries to mess with "undocumented aliens" [that's the buzzword used by VP Biden the other day], the Feds plan to make an example of Sheriff Arpaio...
Excuse me... what "civil rights" do people who are not citizens or legally in the U.S. and are breaking Federal laws have? What about the civil rights and possibly the safety of our citizens that are being threatened by Federal government workers and managers who refuse to enforce the laws of this nation?
The Department of Justice is actually bringing deported illegal aliens back to the U.S. to be witnesses in a civil rights investigation of an Arizona sheriff’s department that enforces immigration law through a federal partnership.
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And finally this...
Are all illegals dangerous? No, most are just seeking to leave their own countries and want the opportunities in ours. Are some illegals dangerous? Yes.The man who predicted 9/11 is worried that its sequel is imminent.
"Muslims that I talk to say things like, 'America thinks they're safe now. They've forgotten about 9/11. But watch, Daniel [J. Hill]. Stay near your TV. It's going to be bigger than 9/11,' " he said.
Hill said the next terrorist attack will involve suitcase nuclear bombs that will be detonated in small, low-flying two-seater private airplanes manned by men hanging onto the belief that, like the 9/11 hijackers, they are about to die as martyrs and enter paradise.
..."I don't know the second, hour or day. I just know they have the means, will, motivation and desire to do it," he said, noting that it's believed that years ago the suitcase nukes, acquired from former USSR operatives, were smuggled into America across the Mexican border.
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The problem is that ICE/Homeland Security seems to take the position that "no harm, no foul." What are they going to say when we receive a really "hard foul?" This isn't basketball and we won't get "free throws" after a "hard foul." Ejecting them after a "hard foul" will be far too little and far too late.
