Hamas Denigrates Palestinians' Worth
In the never-ending saga of "we don't really give a damn about human life," Hamas has declared that one Israeli is worth 1,000 Palestinians.
GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip – Israel delivered its counter-demands Tuesday for a deal with Hamas to exchange about 1,000 Palestinian prisoners for a single Israeli soldier held captive by Gaza militants for more than three years.
As families on both sides agonized over the outcome, last-minute differences over who should be freed or sent into exile threatened to imperil the deal.
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Israel, of course, should not really be that stupid to accept such a preposterous demand... even if the market value may be realistic. The other day, the Israelis, at the insistence of the great Washington, D.C. know-it-alls, loosened up a checkpoint used by Palestinians. The Palestinians promptly sent through one of the former prisoner-swapped heroes to murder a rabbi who was a father of six. Such is the bravery of the Palestinians who are traded in 1,000 to 1 deals. Such is the wisdom of Washington, D.C. bureaucrats who believe in such trades.
Will the Israelis accept the 1,000 to 1 swap? Possibly. They have some wishful-thinking politicians, too.
Meanwhile, Homeland Security head, Janet Napolitano, assures us that everything was really under control...
"Obama administration officials scrambled to portray the episode, in which passengers and flight attendants subdued Mr. Abdulmutallab and doused the fire he had started, as a test that the air safety system passed.
“The system has worked really very, very smoothly over the course of the past several days,” Janet Napolitano, the Homeland Security secretary said, in an interview on “This Week” on ABC. Robert Gibbs, the White House spokesman, used nearly the same language on “Face the Nation” on CBS, saying that “in many ways, this system has worked.”" - NYT
and that the "Department of Homeland Security immediately put additional screening measures into place—for all domestic and international flights—to ensure the continued safety of the traveling public."
Wasn't that what her Clockwork Orange level... er, Security Level Orange... was supposed to be doing.
How about spending a nice round number like $100 billion to improve security even more?