Revising Obama's Health Care Grade
Last week, I gave President Obama a "D" on his performance in the area of health care.
Health Care: DWhile forcing through a partisan "re-form" of the health care system, the Obama administration has alienated a significant portion of the population, threatened the careers of Democratic Party members of Congress, set up the nation for massive deficits related to health care [the CBO allows $500 billion of savings from diverting funds from Medicare and is based on 10 years of revenue to the government versus 6 years of health care coverage... check the chart closely], potentially driven many doctors to consider early retirement, and may well have created disincentives for those considering a medical career. Meanwhile, the idea that more Americans will be covered by health insurance may be more numbers juggling than reality as businesses react to the burdens of providing health care under the new law. [chart source]
I believe that has to be downgraded. Via The American Spectator:
The economic report released last week by Health and Human Services, which indicated that President Barack Obama's health care "reform" law would actually increase the cost of health care and impose higher costs on consumers, had been submitted to the office of HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius more than a week before the Congressional votes on the bill, according to career HHS sources, who added that Sebelius's staff refused to review the document before the vote was taken.
"The reason we were given was that they did not want to influence the vote," says an HHS source. "Which is actually the point of having a review like this, you would think."
The analysis, performed by Medicare's Office of the Actuary, which in the past has been identified as a "nonpolitical" office, set off alarm bells when submitted. "We know a copy was sent to the White House via their legislative affairs staff," says the HHS staffer, "and there were a number of meetings here almost right after the analysis was submitted to the secretary's office. Everyone went into lockdown, and people here were too scared to go public with the report." [h/t Gateway Pundit]
From the analysis, here are the estimates of the increased costs [click on image for larger view]:
That's an expensive "free lunch." Can you say "robbing Peter to pay Paul?"
Notice the footnote for the "Cost Trend." Can you say "I'll believe anything Obama says?"
Oh, the revised grade? You can figure that out.