Socialism: Lowering The Water Level For All Of Us... Almost
From American Thinker:
September 20, 2012Here in Michigan, that strategy has been pushed by the Service Employees International Union to the tune of $32 million siphoned off from families and caregivers.
The Worldwide Consequences of Obama's Manufactured Crisis Strategy
By James Simpson
While socialist leaders live in lavish style, in every country where socialist policies are imposed, they measurably worsen the lives of everyday citizens in direct proportion to their scope. Even countries with vast natural resources, like Russia, founder because their economies are constructed on the fatally flawed economic principles of socialism.Despite this, they still manage to live on, in many cases hanging by mere threads for years.How?The dirty little secret of socialism is that it cannot survive without capitalism. Capitalist countries provide the resources necessary for these socialist governments to continue. In addition to providing a market for their goods, Western nations keep socialist countries afloat through grants and loans from the World Bank, the U.S. Agency for International Development, and other governmental institutions, as well as huge investments by private companies. [read full article]
Mackinac Center Legal Foundation Asks MERC to Reverse Forced Unionization of Home-Based CaregiversThis is part of Obama's vision of the "fair" future... "Forward!"
Seeks return of $3 million in skimmed 'dues'MIDLAND — The Mackinac Center Legal Foundation today asked the Michigan Employment Relations Commission for a declaratory ruling reversing a 2005 MERC decision that allowed the forced unionization of tens of thousands of home-based caregivers. These victims, most of whom are family members caring for disabled loved ones who receive a Medicaid stipend, have been classified as government employees and have seen $32 million in “union dues” skimmed by the Service Employees International Union since November 2005.“The commission needs to recognize that these people are not and never were government employees, especially in light of recent state legislation,” said Patrick J. Wright, director of the Mackinac Center Legal Foundation. “We saw this same scheme take place with home-based day care providers. It was wrong then, and it is wrong now.” [full article here]