Why Romney Lost
Romney miscalculated.
No, he wasn't wrong on the issues... necessarily. He did have a vision going forward... and specific plans to address the underlying problems facing all of us. He spoke to all Americans about a better economy and more opportunity. But he miscalculated about what was important.
Obama did not miscalculate.
Obama's team better understood that politics is not like war at all. In war, there is a rallying cry to defend the nation. People are willing to sacrifice so that the nation is protected and survives. World War II showed the essence of that. We call the people who fought and sacrificed during that war "the greatest generation" not for what they got, but for what they gave.
Politics is the opposite of war. Romney's team failed to grasp that. It is not about rallying Americans to do what is right and best for America. Obama's team grasped the essence of politics and what it takes to win: appealing to the selfishness and self-interests of any and all self-described "groups."
Obama won by appealing to:
- Unions - special treatment in the automobile companies' forced bankruptcies
- Women - special treatment in the form of "free" contraceptives and fighting against the "war on women"
- Homosexuals - ending "don't ask; don't tell" and supporting "gay" marriage
- Hispanics - pushing for amnesty for illegal aliens
- Blacks - expanding social "benefits"
- Muslims - expressing his common heritage and experience
- Government workers - expanding government
- Elderly - fear mongering