Gun Deaths To Exceed Vehicle Deaths Say The Feds
The latest exciting word in the news is that gun deaths are projected to be greater than vehicle deaths in a few years. Here's the chart.
Firearm homicides
- Number of deaths: 11,078 [source]
Source: Deaths: Final Data for 2010, table 10, 11
- Deaths per 100,000 population: 3.6
[PDF - 3.1 MB]
Roughly one-third of firearm deaths are related to homicides... and most of those are from handguns, not so-called "assault rifles" that seem to be of great concern to politicians. Roughly two-thirds are either accidental [hunting, mishandling, etc] or suicide. But the press and the president would have you infer that the level of homicides is far greater.
So, the question remains, if the number of deaths for automobiles and firearms is roughly the same, what actions will be taken to limit large capacity assault vehicles, which are far deadlier to occupants of other vehicles, from falling into the hands of civilians? The answer, of course, is that in the name of safety, large vehicles will be phased off the roads. This will be by raising the mileage rating requirements so that the large capacity assault vehicles can no longer be purchased by most civilians as they will become extraordinarily expensive and available only to wealthy, elite civilians and politicians who require them as part of their office... such as the president and vice president. Ordinary civilians will be left with small capacity, short-range personal-transportation vehicles and expected to use mass transit for longer trips.
This has the added benefit of saving the planet.
Oh, wait, here's the rest of the story.