August Weather Summary
Here is the latest summary of conditions around the U.S. in August.
- Heat records in the southeast
- Rain records in the central states
- Heat and cold records in the southwest (was there a "force field" erected between Nevada and Utah?)
The details don't show any records for Michigan even though the map does.By an large, August in the midwest was just a pleasant month with lots of sun, boating and golf.
Around the world, it looks like it was wetter/drier than usual, but no real heat/cold extremes.
As NOAA editorializes, however:
For summer 2007 (June-August), the average temperature for the continental U.S., based on preliminary data, was 73.8°F (23.2°C), which was 1.7°F (1.0°C) above the 20th century mean and the sixth warmest summer since national records began in 1895.Is that after Hansen's adjustments? When one looks back at June and July, it is difficult to find anything unusual about the 3-month period... period.