Environmental Extremism: The French Are Correct
Arrghh! The French???
First let's narrow the subject a bit... I want to address the issue of environmental extremism and the impact on our economy and the environment.
On October 23, I wrote about fear and how it prevents us from making rational decisions. I pointed out that the fear of another Chernobyl disaster is used to convince people that nuclear power is not a viable alternative to generate electricity. And I also pointed out that the very same environmental "protectors" find excuses to avoid having large-scale wind turbines installed near them (too unsightly?).
The French now supply nearly 80% of their electricity needs from nuclear power. Omighad! Those dumb French... don't they know that they will destroy Europe with radiation poisoning or fallout from the meltdown? Well, actually, they don't know that at all. In fact, they know the exact opposite... that modern technology and design makes nuclear power virtually the safest source of energy.
For those who think that nuclear power plants are inherently dangerous, I would like to point out that the U.S. or France has never used Chernobyl-based designs. Modern nuclear plant designs are inherently safe.
Well, what about the waste? The environmentalists want us to believe that burial of wastes in hundreds... thousands... of feet of rock leaves us in danger. Sorry, that's simply not true (147 page pdf file from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission - Risk Insights Baseline Report - April, 2004). Now there are those who say that the Yucca Mountain nuclear burial site cannot guarantee, absolutely, 100%, that no radiation will escape into the biosphere. That's correct. There are no absolute guarantees of anything. The question is: does the very minimal risk of a minimal amount of radiation in the atmosphere sometime in the next 10,000 years outweigh the risks of continuing to burn fossil fuels at an increasing rate over the next century?
Besides, future alternatives (my speculation) may well include disposal by rocket directly to the sun where it will be incinerated... absorbed, if you will by the large nuclear furnace of the sun.
But the biggest reason for nuclear power is that it would enable alternative fuel technologies... such as hydrogen powered vehicles... to make sense. If you read the link on my November 4 posting regarding Environmental Extremism, you understand that hydrogen is a storage medium for energy, not an energy source. Nuclear energy... fossil-free energy... makes perfect sense and is perfectly capable of allowing us to create fossil-free fuel.
Nuclear energy provides a clean, reliable source of electricity needed to convert chemically combined hydrogen... such as di-hydrogen monoxide... water... into hydrogen gas which could be our fuel of the future.
So, organizations like Greenpeace are doing a significant disservice to our environment by opposing the expansion of nuclear energy and, ultimately, the replacement of fossil fuels by clean, environmental-friendly sources of power. Their basic argument is that while there isn't any official information about nuclear contamination, it is everywhere and there are massive cover-ups by government and industry so that we don't learn that we are being poisoned and getting cancer... nonsense... from these nuclear facilities... fear, fear, fear.
Oh, one other minor benefit. Nuclear power could utimately break the economic dependency of the U.S. on OPEC... not a bad side-effect.
The stupid, effete French are correct... and we should follow their lead.