Romney and Gingrich - What Would You Do?
We've all had the opportunity to watch debates as they pontificate about Obama's shortcomings and each other's shortcomings. So and so did this bad thing and so and so's policies and programs failed here and so and so's ethics are lower than a cockroach.
Enough of that. That's not cutting it in the primaries and it won't cut it in the general election. No, that's just pushing hot buttons so that people will react with their guts rather than their heads. Of course, given the nature of the electorate, that's often a good strategy.
Regardless, it's time to carve a line in the concrete [never understood why drawing a line in shifting sands made sense as a metaphor]. It is time to get away from what others have done or not done and state specifically what you as a candidate see as:
- the top five issues facing the U.S. over the next four years [keep religion, beliefs, and law pertaining to such out of it]
- how you would address those top five issues [get specific]
- why your approach would be better than what is presently the case
- who benefits from your solutions [everyone is not an acceptable answer]
- who might not benefit from your solutions, why, and is that a problem
- what it would take to implement your plan [besides votes in Congress]