Increasing Supply Doesn't Matter
There is a notion that increasing supply won't affect the price of oil. As Barack Obama said:
"If we reduce our consumption of oil, that's what will reduce gas prices, the presumptive Democratic nominee said in a one-on-one interview with The Post-Crescent during a campaign stop in Kaukauna.I'm inclined to agree with Sen. Obama. Even if there may be more oil in North America's coasts and shale and tar sands than all of the Middle East... and even if there may be 100 billion barrels off the coast of Brazil... and even if diesel technology allows us to double the average miles per gallon of many cars and trucks... there is no reason to believe that dramatically increasing the supply of oil will meet growing worldwide demand or lower prices. That's old economics and we need a change... we need to reduce our consumption so that the rest of the world can increase its... because.
“There’s really no other way of doing it.”
“We can’t drill our way out of the problem because there's just a finite amount of oil out there and you have got increasing demand from countries like China and India.
“And so the way we are going to see gas prices reduced is when we start using the oil that we get, more intelligently than we are doing now.”
It is better to force the masses into smaller vehicles that use expensive battery packs recharged from solar and wind power. This will allow us to redefine the nature of mobility so that we do not contribute to sating the greed of oil companies. It is better for the masses to struggle and sacrifice in harmony with nature rather than allowing oil companies to increase the supply of fuel and maintain their obscene profits. If our millions of children simply walked to schools rather than riding buses, we could eliminate obesity and millions of gallons of fuel daily. If all of taxis in all of the metropolitan areas were banned and people had to walk to the destinations, we could eliminate millions of unnecessary trips and the congestion that clogs our streets. If air travel were restricted to business-only travelers, people would learn to love their "stay-cations."And if China and India and other so-called emerging economies don't follow suit, we should call upon the United Nations to sanction them... like Iran.
They are all going after more sources oil. They simply don't understand economics of change...