Now It Is President Obama Talking About Jobs
These excerpts from Gov. Jennifer Granholm's State of the State addresses as shown in The Detroit News:A LOOK BACK
Perhaps I'm missing something, but the 2009 program proposals still are a giant leap of faith or ignorance regarding anything resembling brilliant steps leading to an improved economy and more jobs. This is just a regurgitation of the national nonsense being spewed by the Obama administration. You have to love how programs leading to higher energy costs and shutting out insurance companies are going to improve the economy. How about making Michigan a "right to work" state?
Here’s a look at statements made and initiatives proposed in Gov. Jennifer Granholm’s first seven State of the State addresses.2003
Quotes: “I submit to you that while the state of our budget is weak, the state of our Michigan spirit is strong. … How did our budget get so out of whack? Quite simply, we cut taxes but not spending, and we continue to spend more than we take in. This will stop.”
Program proposals: Technology Tri-Corridor (focus on development in life sciences, auto industry and homeland security); Project Great Start (parenting, reading to children, coordinate children’s programs); chronic truants don’t get driver’s licenses.
Quotes: “The state of the state tonight is one of total determination: Michigan will attract and keep good jobs. … If you seek a leaner government, look about you.”
Program proposals: No Worker Left Behind (job training); Cool Cities (make cities attractive to young workers); increase use of Michigan Economic Growth Authority tax breaks.
Quotes: “Will we let Michigan’s economy languish, or will we work together to create the good jobs our state needs? Will we stand still, or will we move forward? I am moving. Move with me.”
Program proposals: 21st Century Jobs Initiative (invest in research and innovation); increase the state minimum wage; Promise Scholarships ($4,000 grants to students who complete two years of college); Michigan Opportunity Partnership (rapid-response job training to fill openings in the marketplace).
Quotes: “Michigan, I am here to tell you: We have a detailed and comprehensive plan to grow this economy. … In five years, you’re going to be blown away by the strength and diversity of Michigan’s transformed economy.”
Program proposals: Focus on alternative energy jobs; Michigan First health care plan (affordable coverage for 550,000 uninsured); strengthen high school graduation requirements.
Quotes: “We will increase our efforts to diversify the economy, reform government to cut costs, strengthen our schools, retrain displaced workers, expand access to health care and revitalize our cities. And we will finally put our fiscal house in order.”
Program proposals: Require students to attend school until they’re 18; ban smoking in the workplace; reform state business tax.
Quotes: “Last year, people wanted decisive action on jobs, on health care, on schools. What they got was partisan rancor over a budget. … Tonight, I’m calling on you to join me in an era of unprecedented cooperation for historic progress.”
Program proposals: Replace large, failing high schools with smaller schools focused on discipline; add 100 troopers with recruit school; increase electricity production from renewable sources to 10 percent by 2015 and 25 percent by 2025.
Quotes: “Any honest assessment of our state’s economy must recognize that things are likely to get worse before they get better. … The days when our government could be all things to all people are behind us.”
Program proposals: Reduce reliance on fossil fuel by 45 percent by 2020; call on auto insurance companies to freeze rates; direct Public Service Commission and Department of Environmental Quality to explore alternatives before approving new coal-fired power plants.
Source: Detroit News research
Meanwhile, the State of Michigan finds itself unable to print money in the same way that the Federal government can. Consequently, we can expect more of the same... because the governor proposes more of the same.
Now it is President Obama's turn to offer... more of the same.