Ron Paul Should Not Have Debated
When he debates, he has too many thoughts rattling around his head and he views like a bad video that skips and locks and gets a little garbled. But when he speaks to an audience without the distraction of a 30-second time limit or a poorly framed question, he does quite well. Unfortunately, the somewhat goofy image he created of himself during the debates lost many potential voters. Watch the video HERE. Watch the reaction of college students.
I still disagree with his position on the U.S. military in that without the U.S. military presence to hold evil and barbaric... yes, I'll use those terms... regimes in check, the world would be a far more dangerous place. That said, my position on Afghanistan is quite clear and aligns with Dr. Paul's general position. But my overall position regarding the military does not align with his.
Dr. Paul's economic positions resonate with me. I even agree with his position about drugs because he says that it's your body, but be careful about what you put in it and don't expect the government to come to your rescue if you screw it up... but that's a peripheral issue. Unfortunately, the realist in me says the "live and let live" attitude about drugs would be a very hard sell because the moralists will condemn it and the progressives will argue that drug abusers have a "disease" that must be treated with the money and support of everyone else.
Really, it is his isolationist position makes him just another candidate that leaves me ambivalent. He tries to argue that it is not he who is the isolationist, but rather those who participate in the wars. But the big "I hope this slides by" is at about 16 minutes into the video when he cites how useless the military efforts were against communism and mentions the collapse of the Soviet system... a collapse precipitated by the military cold war which bankrupted them and freed all of eastern Europe. What I will agree with Dr. Paul about is that the current military efforts are wrong-headed. Go back and read the above link about my position on Afghanistan.
The one thing I can say about Dr. Paul is that you can take to the bank what he says is what he means. I'm not convinced about that for any of the rest of the candidates... and I know that President Obama simply twists with the wind so his words are meaningless.