Immigration Issues
One cannot generalize about the experience of immigrants. Much depends on their country of origin, their education levels, and their personal resources. As long as immigrants "melted in" to the general population, they have been accepted.The U.S. and Europe have been faced with a new kind of immigrant: one who has less interest in adapting to their new country than adapting their new country to them.
In the U.S., the greatest problem has been with illegal immigrants from Mexico who have numerous built-in obstacles to "melting in," not the least of which is the constant threat of deportation. A second, and much smaller group, has been the Middle Eastern/Muslim groups who have, in some fashion, attempted to "fit it" without necessarily an inclination to "melt in." Presently, the second group has created only isolated instances of cultural dissonance in the U.S.
Europe has a far greater problem with immigrants who are primarily Muslims from many different countries. With smaller and homogeneous European populations, the Muslim immigrants are being perceived as a threat to the culture and the safety of many European nations.
Muslims have chosen to escalate the rhetoric of confrontation with their host countries, many of which have bent over backwards to accommodate the "special needs" of the Muslims.The series of "European Backlash" posts that I have written and plan to write is projecting the nature of the conflict between the European and Muslim cultures and the likely outcomes... and giving specific examples as they occur. I maintain that by 2010, there will be no doubt about the nature and extent of the cultural conflict in Europe... and the outcome... in even the most accommodating mind.
Meanwhile, in the U.S., "persons of illegal entry" have become more embolden and participated in marches and demonstrations. Many state and local governments have bent over backwards to accommodate the "special needs" of these "persons of illegal entry."Don't be surprise to see a similar development in the U.S. unless the government gets the situation under control and "invites" the "persons of illegal entry" to leave.