Climate, Conservation, And Ecology
Politics makes strange bedfellows. Scientists who normally take their work very seriously are willing to falsify information and results in order to achieve political ends. It is almost as if a scientist must get a Ph.D from the University of Machiavelli in order to be taken seriously... and get $ millions in government grants.
There has always been some element of politics... or religion... in science. After all, facts have to be interpreted so that the truth can be acceptable. While this does get in the way of understanding, it is important to the social hierarchy. It is politically and spiritually important that the science is settled.
"Climategate" is nothing more than business-as-usual in the world of science... especially nascent or "soft" sciences where it is important to have answers regardless of whether the science is "settled" or not. No answers; no money. This process also leads to some confusion among those who have only casual understanding of the various sciences.
Climate studies become entangled with ecology which becomes entangled with conservation... sort of the three faces of Eve. Rather than seeing specialties as contributing to a balance of actions, specialists want to be the driving force for policy. Hence, hyperbole... hockey sticks... dying polar bears... inundated cities... fraud.
Even physicists... those working in the "hard" science... recognize that their role is not to make policy, but to contribute to understanding. Physicists and governments work together in a different mode. Take for instance the "Large Hadron Collider continues is finally getting serious, pushing the limits of particle physics."
Sure, there are politics involved, but only for the purpose of gaining funding to gain knowledge... not for gaining funding to gain funding.
The LHC particle accelerator, located beneath the Franco-Swiss border, is now the world's highest energy particle accelerator. (Source: Entropy Bound) The LHC is packed with some of the world's most advanced electronics and should unlock some incredible physics secrets. (Source: Terra Cotta)
It is time for these softer sciences to get back to science and away from politics. It is time for politicians to get back to improving the quality of life for their countries rather than creating hardships based on fraudulent science.
The studies of climate, ecology, and conservation efforts should focus on gaining knowledge that can be applied in an open and creative manner by everyone, rather than creating unsound... dysfunctional... mandates and policies that are self-defeating and economically harmful.
The proof is in the pudding.
Note: a related post from Dennis Mangan.